Right of Withdrawal

    Extract from Terms & Conditions: § 3 Right of Withdrawal

    (1) You are entitled to the right of withdrawal in accordance with statutory provisions only if you are a consumer (ergo a natural entity placing the order for a purpose not associated with your employment or own business activities).
    (2) If you, as a consumer, choose to invoke your right of withdrawal according to section 1, regular costs of any return shipment shall be charged to your account.
    (3) Further, the right of withdrawal shall be subject to the provisions laid out in detail in the following
    Information on Right of Withdrawal
    Right of Withdrawal
    You are entitled to withdraw, without stating a reason, from this contract within a period of fourteen days.
    The period of withdrawal is fourteen days beginning with the day upon which you, or a third party appointed by yourself who is not the carrier, took possession of the products.
    To invoke your right of withdrawal, you must notify us, TS Quadrat GmbH, Jöhlinger Strasse 164, 75045 Walzbachtal, Germany, phone number: +49 7203 9093960, email: webshop@tsquadrat.com, of your decision to withdraw from this contract by way of unambiguous communication (e.g. mailed letter or email). You may do so using the withdrawal form included here, but are not required to do so. The withdrawal form is also available to download from our website Withdraw from contract.
     To comply with the withdrawal period, it shall suffice to send your notice of withdrawal before expiry of the withdrawal period.
    Consequences of Withdrawal
    When you withdraw from this contract, we shall be obliged to refund all and any payments received from you, including costs of delivery (except for additional expenses resulting from your choosing a method of delivery other than our standard, cheapest delivery offer), forthwith and at the latest within fourteen days of the day upon which we received your notice of withdrawal from this contract. For this refund, we shall use the same method of payment you used for the initial transaction, unless there is an express agreement with yourself to the contrary; under no circumstances shall you be charged any fees in connection with this refund. We shall be entitled to refuse refunding until such a time that we have received the return shipment of the products or you have furnished us with proof that you have sent the products back, depending on which of the two occurs earlier.
    You shall be obliged to return the products forthwith and at the latest within fourteen days of the day on which you notified us of withdrawal from this contract. To comply with this period, it shall suffice to send the return shipment before expiry of the fourteen days.
    The immediate costs of the return shipment shall be at your expense.
    Any diminishment of value shall be charged to your account only where it has resulted from your handling the products beyond what is necessary to inspect their condition, properties, and function.
    —End of Information on Right of Withdrawal—
    (4) There is no right of withdrawal for distance contracts
    1. for delivery of custom products whose manufacture requires the consumer to make an individual choice or specification or which have been tailored clearly to the consumer’s personal needs,
    2. for delivery of products which, as a result of their nature, have become inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery,
    3. in relation to which the consumer has expressly requested the supplier to present at their premises to effect urgent repairs or maintenance; this does not apply with respect to additional services performed during the same visit that the consumer did not expressly request or with respect to such products delivered upon the visit that were not indispensable as spare parts for the maintenance or repair.
    Withdrawal form